In bundle org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.base
The DirectoryTreeService is used to build tree-shaped explorer like navigation menus (usging the <richfaces:tree /> components) from a hierarchical set of directories (with schemas "vocabulary" and "xvocabulary").
DirectoryTreeDescriptors also reference a QueryModel to update on node selection and a JSF view to display on node selection.
This is typically used to display results of a query where documents are filtered upon a hierachical property (such as the dc:coverage metadata for instance).
Resolution Order
The resolution order represents the order in which this component has been resolved by the Nuxeo Runtime
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in your component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component.
Start Order
The start order represents the order in which this component has been started by the Nuxeo Runtime framework.
This number is interesting to tweak if your Java component interacts with other components, and needs to be started before or after another one.
It can be changed by implementing the method "Component#getApplicationStartedOrder()" on your Java component: components are sorted according to this reference value, in increasing order.
The default value is 1000, and the repository initialization uses number 100. Negative values can also be used.
Extension Points
XML Source
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="">
<!-- since 6.0, automatically registers actions -->
The DirectoryTreeService is used to build tree-shaped explorer like
navigation menus (usging the <richfaces:tree /> components) from a hierarchical
set of directories (with schemas "vocabulary" and "xvocabulary").
DirectoryTreeDescriptors also reference a QueryModel to update on node selection
and a JSF view to display on node selection.
This is typically used to display results of a query where documents are filtered
upon a hierachical property (such as the dc:coverage metadata for instance).
@author Olivier Grisel (
<!-- XXX JC : see why this requirement
class="" />
<provide interface="" />
<extension-point name="trees">
class="" />
Registry for DirectoryTreeDescriptor instances used to build
Extension point supports override and enable attribute in descriptor
@author Olivier Grisel (